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A Letter to the City of Tekamah

May 06, 2020

Dream big

Work hard



Realize your potential

These are words and phrases that are meant to inspire faith in a bright future. 

In normal times you might think Mrs. Walford is writing a letter to the class of 2020 as they prepare to graduate and go out to make their mark on the world.   Four years ago, much of the class of 2020 sat in my classroom as I attempted to teach them about history.  I like to think they learned a little something.  For sure, I learned a whole lot more.  That bunch taught this 30-year veteran about hard work, thinking outside the box, and investigating new ways to do things I thought I knew how to do.  The class of 2020 taught me the biggest lesson of all. 

Life’s biggest challenges, in time, produce the greatest rewards.  But this isn’t a letter to the class of 2020.  This is a letter to the city of Tekamah. 


As we mark our ballots next week, the citizens of Tekamah will decide whether the City Council should spend $35,000 to purchase the Tiger Bowl.  Why now, when we are at the peak of such uncertain times?  Because we believe in the future.  The Tiger Bowl sits at the crossroads of our town.  There is potential for that location to be the place where our city government and service groups can dream big and achieve great things for our town. 


Earlier, I wrote about normal times.  These are not normal times.  This pandemic is challenging us to think outside the box, investigate new ways to do things we are already doing, and work hard.  It’s about potential.  Tekamah has the potential to be a beacon for people who are looking for a new way of life.  A simpler, safer, more peaceful way of life.  We are at a crossroads.  We should dream big, face our challenges, and realize our potential.  Spending $35,000 to purchase the Tiger Bowl is not a risk.  The money is already in the budget.  It’s the first step.  We need to be up to the challenge.  The citizens of Tekamah need to have faith in our ability to take the next steps.  We will be smart, do our homework, and not cut any corners. Then, when the time is right, we can take the next step.  We have to believe in that potential. 


I guess this is a letter to the class of 2020 after all.  I want you to go out and make your mark on the world, and then I want you to come home and be a part of Tekamah’s bright future. 


Jane Walford


Tekamah City Council



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